The relatives of the deceased or the person organising the funeral would normally register the Death within 5 days.
They will need proof ID for the deceased for example
- Birth Certificate
- Driving Licence
- Passport
- Marriage Certificate
- Proof of Address
- National Insurance Number
Once registered a 'Green Form' will be issued to give permission for burial or cremation allowing the relatives to arrange the funeral.
Form BD8 will be used to inform the benefits agencies.
You will probably need multiple copies of the Death Certificate and this should include alternative or shortened names used by the deceased.
Personal Representatives (Executors)
If the deceased had children the issue of Guardianship needs to be immediately dealt with and the deceased property needs to be secured.
The Personal Representative then need to gather information on all the deceased assets and liabilities and work with us to realise the assets and pay the liabilities.
A list of Beneficiaries also needs to be compiled, often a Family Tree will be constructed and any missing Beneficiaries need to be traced.
The Personal Representatives have personal liability so to protect them from claims from unknown creditors or beneficiaries a statutory notice will be placed in the London Gazette for at least 2 months after the Grant is issued. Adverts will also be place in the local press.
The Personal Representatives will Prove the Will and distribute the estate to the Beneficiaries.
Simple Probate
Our role will be to
- Send notifications of the death to financial institutions, Government organisations, utilities and household contacts
- Ascertain whether there is any entitlement to bereavement allowances or benefits
- Finalise the income tax and capital gains tax position of the deceased at the date of death
- Review the will, codicils and legacies to ensure that they are valid and prepare affidavits where necessary
- Ascertain who the beneficiaries are
- Identify the composition of the estate and ascertain whether a grant is needed
- Value the estate
- Prepare the inheritance tax return
- Prepare the papers for application for a grant of probate or grant of administration
- Place statutory notice of death in the London Gazette and local press
- Ensure the appropriate oaths are prepared and taken
- Obtain the Grant
- Take control of and gather in the assets of the estate
- Pay the debts of the estate including tax liabilities
- Finalise the Estate Tax
- Pay legacies and transfer the balance to the residuary beneficiaries
- Prepare Estate Accounts